In 21 days you can experience a life-changing habit.
Every day you can soothe stress and practice tools to regulate your nervous system. You can train yourself to drop habits, patterns and beliefs that hold you back from a life of ease, peace and connection. It doesn’t need to be difficult, it just needs to be consistent. This series contains the basics, and an array of ways “in” to your heart-space, because we know each day and every being presents with different needs. It is our most sincere hope that this series and our community of support will be one that you enjoy sinking into, that it can be a retreat for your mind and happy spirit each day.
Why Meditation?
Some of what you’ll practice in this challenge:
Social Media Week • Create & Cultivate • Digital LA • General Assembly • TuesdayNights
Insight Timer • Simple Habit • Aura Health • Yogic Herald

You’ll learn how to:
Focus and settle your mind
Embody gratitude
Overcome limiting beliefs
Connect in a meaningful way with yourself and others
Understand others empathetically
Develop and trust your inner wisdom
Set your day up with intention
Listen to your heart and experience true happiness
Cultivate presence
Soothe your own nervous system
Ask yourself deep spiritual questions
Find greater acceptance of life as it is and grow your “letting go muscle”
Recognize your habitual, automatic reactions to stress
Access the resources of mindfulness and compassion in trying situations
Make more conscious choices in pressured situations
Grow wiser even in the storms of stress and challenge
Experience an empowered and joyful way of being in the world
Enter into a state of deep meditation and relaxation
To harmonize your mind and body
Ways to heal from and prevent burn-out and harmful stress

What’s included in this challenge?
Days of video meditation with expert instruction and practice by facilitator Jordana Reim emailed directly to you
Day deep dive into compassion
BONUS! A Good Night Sleep Prescription: 3 of Jordana’s most popular sleep meditations including Nighttime Ritual, Get Back to Sweet Sleep and The Magical Forest Sleep Meditation

Your Meditation Journey Day by Day

DAY 14
Kindness Introduction and Loving Kindness for Self
- 18:23 -

DAY 13
Affirmation Practice
- 16:58 -

DAY 12
Mantra Meditation
- 16:16 -

DAY 11
Releasing Judgment
- 19:53 -

DAY 10
The Energy You Need
- 20:06 -

Soft Gaze of Peace
- 18:38 -

Working with Distractions
- 17:07 -

Kind Awareness of Emotions
- 18:23 -

Consciousness of the Body
- 20:10 -

- 23:48 -

Find Your Center
- 19:53 -

Your Meditation Anchor
- 18:29 -

The 3 Essential Components of Meditation
- 18:47 -

Building Meditation Motivation
- 18:50 -

DAY 21
Love & Understanding
- 23:19 -

DAY 20
Open Awareness
- 19:54 -

DAY 19
Overcoming Obstacles & Challenge
- 16:05 -

DAY 18
Loving Kindness - Full Practice
- 34:09 -

DAY 17
Loving Kindness - For Challenging People
- 22:37 -

DAY 16
Loving Kindness - For Strangers
- 23:59 -

DAY 15
Loving Kindness - For Someone You Love
- 21:06 -
Meet Jordana
Nice to meet you! I love making practices for personal growth and inner peace simple and easily accessible. In my life journey I’ve lived in high-stress cities like New York and Los Angeles and held high-intensity jobs as an Executive Producer and in Business Development. I was born with anxiety pumping through my bloodstream and for some time, I thought that was how I thrived. Until I burnt out. I understand how challenging life can be when our hearts and minds aren’t aligned. Meditation unlocked a life for me where I found personal freedom - to take leaps of faith and to trust myself. I said goodbye to burnout and improved my work, relationships and health. Today I share the practices that changed my life with groups all over the world - from the Himalayas of Nepal and Bhutan to those same busy cities where I have lived to you, wherever you are in the world and in your life journey. I look forward to meditating with you!

Ash Kumra, Cofounder of Peak Mindful
Jordana’s teachings are a godsend. I love how she equates the medicinal benefits of meditation, countless strategies based on one’s situation. What’s more amazing is how vulnerable and authentic her own journey was that lead to here!
Amreet Y
In her guided meditations Jordana gracefully captures my attention and brings excitement to my meditative practice despite all of the constant distractions in my life. Her guidance has helped me fine tune my focus, my intention, and deepen my awareness.
Alex K
She does a fantastic job breaking down the process of mindfulness, focus, and intention setting by teaching lessons and creating an easy to follow guide, allowing you to make this incredible skill and habit, a daily part of your routine.
What techniques will we learn?